Women Shopping different types of shoppers

Consumers are actively looking for brands that offer personalized experiences. One of the best ways to make their experience with your store more personal is by knowing which type of customer they are and catering to them in a special way.

What Type of Customer Are They?

Every day, you get to meet a lot of fascinating people. Each one has different interests that fit their personality. That’s what makes running a business so much fun.

Most of them will fall into five common types of shoppers. Let’s take a look at each type and how you can cater to their needs.

1. Bargain Hunters

Type: Customers in search of a bargain will base their purchase decisions on pricing. They are searching for the lowest price and may go out of their way to get it. These shoppers may erode margins, but they can also drive higher inventory turnover rates.

Needs: They need to feel like they are getting a great deal. Pricing is not the only thing that matters to them. They will also factor other options for their decision to buy. Reinforce this feeling with clearly marked signage that includes the value of their savings, such as availability, service, location, and quality.

2. Loyal

Type: Your regular customers are your most loyal ones. They represent almost a quarter of your customers and half of your sales. In contrast to the bargain hunter, a loyal customer is one that believes in the brand. Price does matter, but it’s not the primary or even secondary reason why they choose your store over the competition.

Needs: The overall customer experience needs to make them feel special. Giving them the VIP treatment is what they deserve. You can also ask for feedback through surveys to make them feel more involved with the future of your brand.

3. Need-Based Shopper

Type: These people are often seen as being on a mission. They know exactly what they want and where to get it. They are quick to arrive and quick to leave. Need-based shoppers have the most potential to become loyal ones.

Needs: This is a difficult group to interact with or provide personalized experiences. The focus should also be on a fast and smooth checkout process. Employees should also be trained in giving prompt, knowledgeable help that will keep them happy.

4. The Browser

Type: This type of shopper wanders around your store, looking for something specific or nothing at all. Some are just killing time, while others are getting an idea of cost, value, and quality. They are usually not buyers; however, the browser provides more foot traffic, and that’s a good thing.

Needs: If a shopper is “just looking around,” then it’s best to let them know that you’re available to answer any questions they may have. They want to be left alone, and your time is probably better spent on other customers or tasks.

5. Impulse Shopper

Type: Most of us have made impulse purchases. Much like the browser, the impulse shopper has no set agenda or shopping list in mind. However, their spontaneous decisions will account for over a third of your sales. These shoppers tend to be in a good mood and receptive to suggestions.

Needs: Look at improving their experience through upselling and passing on important product knowledge. Teaching them the value of their purchase will prevent buyer’s regret and show the value of your services.

Training Your Employees

To capitalize on this knowledge of customer types, you’ll need to train your employees on how to interact with different types of shoppers. Need-based shoppers and the browsers want as little contact as possible. Whereas the impulse and loyal customers are open to more one-on-one interactions. Teaching your employees how to distinguish them will provide a better customer experience.

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