Hands of young man looking at watch while working with laptop employee time tracking software

Some of us can still remember punching in at work. You had to line it up just right, so the time stamp hit the correct date. All of that has changed quite a bit. That time clock is now your point of sale, and it does so much more to help you manage employees better.

Taking Care of Your Employees

The relationship you have with your employees reflects your managerial skills. The overall tone of your business, attitude and culture, is set by this relationship. A poor relationship, one that is inconsistent and lacking expectations, will drag down morale and stifle productivity. At the center of this problem is a lack of communication, which leads to confusion about those expectations.

  • Do you have the right tools in place to manage your employees?
  • How well do you keep track of their time?
  • Do you incentivize them?

Your point of sale is an automated managerial system that can answer each of these questions. An employee time tracking software takes the guesswork out of your performance assessments by setting the right expectations for each employee.

Performance Goes Beyond Sales

Employee performance is based on your expectations and the goals you set. When you have clear expectations and obtainable goals, you’ll be able to define objectives and measure success. Plus, employees need goals for motivation. It helps them aspire to do their best.

One of the best performance indicators for your employees is sales, but it can be a bit misleading. Some may only work on busy days while others may not, so you’ll need to adjust your goals for average hourly sales. This will help you’ll understand who the top performers are and the others that need help. You may be surprised to learn who your top salespeople are and need to make adjustments to your schedule.

On-Time, Tardy, or Absent

The time clock function is a simple and effective way to know when your employees are coming and going. It also holds them accountable for their schedule. Plus, you can run reports to spot problems and take care of them before they become difficult to manage.

This tends to be an area of difficulty for most managers because no one wants to be the bad guy. But, if you don’t hold them accountable, it may become detrimental to employee morale.

Commissions and Rewards

Do you use separate spreadsheets or handwritten notes to keep track of commissions? When done manually, these time-intensive tasks can lead to missed wages, or the worst-case scenario—unhappy employees. An automated system keeps track of commissions on sales, and your employees will appreciate the ease and consistency of the reporting.

There are real benefits when you set up a sales structure that has incentives, such as rewards or SPIFFs. Incentives are a powerful motivator. These lead to improved morale, job satisfaction, and positive engagement with customers.

Point of Sale Access

You want your employees to have the resources they need to do their job. This means training them on the point of sale’s functions and features, but granting them total access may be a mistake. You’ll need to restrict their access to reflect their job functions. Fewer mistakes will be made and less opportunity for dishonest behavior, such as changing their time clock.

Effective Employee Management

The workplace has changed a lot over the years and, thanks to advanced point of sale software, it’s easier to effectively manage employees. Because you can see the data, you no longer have to rely on your intuition or what others tell you. Employee related metrics will help you become a more effective manager, and your decisions will be more responsive and fair. Plus, there’s an expectation among younger workers, millennials in particular, that these systems are in place.

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